Wanted: Ricardo Robles
Working: Co- Founder and Concept Artist at Brainbug Design
Gaming: King of Dragons, and later on Fallout, Dead Space, The Witcher, Sekiro, Remnan
Instagram: @rukkits
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/ricardorobles

How and when did you start your career?
My first professional work was in 2008 when I illustrated a book for Cambridge University Press, called The Mind Map. It was the first professional work I was able to include in my portfolio although I had spent a lot of time drawing pieces for a selection of jobs before that. But that was the work that started to open doors for me in the world of illustration and concept art. After that I started to do other work with independent studios outside Spain and little by little it all started to come together. More recently I was lucky enough to go to England to work at Rare and to be part of the team that developed Sea of Thieves among others, until we formed the Brainbug Art Studio.

Are you a gamer, what kind?
I play games from time to time to see what’s going on in the industry, I don’t consider myself a gamer now but when I was younger I was! I’ve never been too fond of online or multiplayer games. I prefer games where you can play by yourself and have that experience molded for yourself and make your own decisions and face challenges. I never had a console at home although I did at friends’ houses! My parents bought me a computer when I was 14, I think, where I remember playing Evolva or Pool of Radiance. My favorite games were arcade titles like King of Dragons, and later on Fallout, Dead Space, The Witcher, Sekiro, Remnant… etc.
I’ve always been attracted by games with a fantastic component, horror, creatures and monsters, and I don’t like realistic war games like Call of Duty at all. ^^

What is your creative process when you are designing characters?
I try that the story and personality of each character has a weight in their appearance, that’s why the briefing and information about their background is very important.

A character living in a post-apocalyptic environment is undoubtedly a survivor, he has had bad days and has had to adapt to the terrain, probably his posture is somewhat hunched and he carries certain types of weapons made with pieces he has found, maybe he is missing some limbs or is covered with burns and scars…
What does he do?
What does he do, does he collect scrap metal in a cart in which he hides a folding machine gun, does he have a small robot companion, all these features and components make the character more believable and it is worth investigating everything that surrounds him to make the design appealing and memorable.

Thank you so much for sharing your insides Ricardo!